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公司地址: 广东省广州市白云区人和兴泰路1号奔立尔大厦A605
值班固话: 020-28912259
值班手机: 15800000705


china Factory Audit,China inspection company,China inspection service
发布者:admin  发布于:2021-03-03 10:47:44  点击率:0
factory audit, China inspection serviceHQC inspection service is an international impendent inspection company based in Guangzhou, China. We spare no effort in adhering to fair, professional, scientific, rigorous, efficient quality concept for global market and provide professional performance evaluation, quality assurance, ISO review the factory services etc.

The Factory assessment is performed by our Auditor following a general framework designed after SA 8000 standard and completed, when requested, with the client's specific requirements. The audit takes at least one full day and begins with a request for documentation. The factory management is assembled. One of the documents reviewed is the Quality Certification. The grantor of the certificate is scrutinized as are the periodic reviews. The factory is required to submit documents for a part similar to the part being considered for production. Documents requested include: 

> Process Flow Chart 

> Control Plan 

> Dimensional Layout 

> Capability Study 

> Production Failure Effects Mode Analysis 

The auditor inspects the factory beginning with raw material storage and inspection. Tooling workshops are inspected. The auditor then "walks" the Control Plan through every manufacturing process. The last steps of the factory inspection are final test, packaging, and laboratory areas. By the end of the auditing day, the auditor knows if the quality systems claimed by the factory are in practice and if the management is committed to constant improvement.
上一篇:100% Inspection, Full inspection
下一篇:China Product Preshipment Inspection Service