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公司地址: 广东省广州市白云区人和兴泰路1号奔立尔大厦A605
值班固话: 020-28912259
值班手机: 15800000705


100% Inspection, Full inspection
发布者:admin  发布于:2021-03-03 10:44:56  点击率:0
full inspectionIn order to ensure good quality and prompt delivery for big orders or long-term orders, we send our inspectors to the factory to track the whole production process in the factory, from the Initial Production Phase through During Production Phase to Pre-shipment Phase till the cargo loading. When the merchandise is 100% completed, our inspectors will check the goods unit by unit, which covers product description, style & color, workmanship quality, function, label, package, size measurement if available etc. Our professional and reliable services help to ensure 100% of the goods meet the clients’ specified quality requirement and also ensure prompt delivery time. 

上一篇:Container Loading Supervision
下一篇:china Factory Audit,China inspection company,China inspection service