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factory audit,China inspection company, inspection service
发布者:admin  发布于:2021-03-03 13:04:56  点击率:0

factory audit,China inspection company, inspection service

China Factory Audit | Factory Audit | Factory Audit China

Glory Benefit Inspection Service Co., LTD is an international impendent inspection company based in Guangzhou, China. We spare no effort in adhering to fair, professional, scientific, rigorous, efficient quality concept for global market and provide professional performance evaluation, quality assurance, ISO review the factory services etc.

From a client's point of view before placing an order at a factory in China, you would like to know more about this factory. After all you want the products that you have paid for.

In principle, a factory audit may be conducted at any location. Our remit is to carry out a comprehensive audit that covers at least the following aspects:

ISO9001 certification 
Factory appearance (onsite hygiene, efficiency and orderliness) 
Plant statistics (including factory size, number of workers, land area, etc.) 
Management information (including the organization's management structure) 
Market overview (covering the company's primary markets) 
A SA8000 audit, highlighting human rights abuses, child labor, race or gender discrimination, workplace safety and labor disputes

GB inspection service did many factory audit and inspection through the years, normally our clients are companies that have not done a quality assurance service before or they have had bad experiences in factory inspection by themselves. We deliver a clear and detailed factory audit of the factory on the above offered points. Also a client in Netherlands intentionally request that the factory does not have child labor or any discrimination whatsoever

上一篇:factory audit in china
下一篇:China quality control, China inspection company, China inspection service